IconUpDater 2.70 ------- 2/27/94 See the HISTORY.TXT by running the ICMANUAL.EXE program. ICFILE.EXE, ICSCAN.EXE, & ICMAINT.EXE have all been totally rewritten from scratch to break the icon limitation barrier. I had ICMaint and IconUpDater handle over 1100 (eleven Hundred) icons! ALL 3 of them are better written making them way more efficient! IFILE & ICSCAN both got face lifts! ICMaint did not get a face lift at all... I just concentrated on speed & icon file maintenance! It make not look good.... but it works great! make sure you have a BBSICONS.DAT file before you put IconUpDater online.... if you do not have one... then just run ICMAINT.EXE. ------ IconUpDater 2.67 ------- 2/21/94 Every Major EXE file as been updated in this upgrade. It will now more easily adapt to non-Wildcat system. I have slightly changed the way it can read in config files... but for Wildcat sysop... things have remained the same. But if they wish they could use the new way. At any rate here are the different ways you can read in the IconUpDater config files: NOTE: IconUpDater still requires the 52 line DOOR.SYS drop file. In the Batch file calling IconUpDater you can have the following: =Single line systems: -Any BBS system: a) c: cd\wc30\doors\UPDATER ICONUPD cd\wc30 exit b) c: cd\wc30\doors\updater ICONUPD DNICON.CFG cd\wc30 exit =Multi-line systems: -Wildcat BBS systems: a) c: cd\wc30\doors\UPDATER ICONUPD cd\wc30 exit b) c: cd\wc30\doors\updater ICONUPD 1 cd\wc30 exit c) c: cd\wc30\doors\updater ICONUPD DNICON1.CFG cd\wc30 exit in a) IconUpDater will read in the WCNODEID environment variable and figure out what node the caller is on. Once it has read in the NODE number, IconUpDater will then read in the appropriate config file... so if IconUpDater read WCNODEID as "2", then IconUpDater will attempt to read in DNICON2.CFG. Realize that having IconUpDater setup in this manner you only need one Batch file in your Wildcat directory. If you wish to have a different batch file for each node like other doors do then use batch file setup b) or c). If you do this then you will need a "LOGIN1.RUN" in each of your node directories. So your \NODE1 directory should look like batch file b) or c). \Your NODE2 directory should also look like batch file b) or c), but should have a "2" in place of the "1". This just tells IconUpDater to call in DNICON2.CFG Also realize that in the first batch file, a), that the NODE # correspond to the config file # ( DNICON#.CFG ). Where as in batch files b) & c), the NODE # and config file # does not have to necessarily have to match, because IconUpDater atlimately pulls the NODE # in from the DOOR.SYS file. -All other BBS systems: a) c: cd\wc30\doors\updater ICONUPD 1 cd\wc30 exit b) c: cd\wc30\doors\updater ICONUPD DNICON1.CFG cd\wc30 exit All other BBS systems can use these 2 batch file setups (which are the same as Wildcat's b) & c) ). Realize that in batch file a) the "1" after "ICONUPD" just tells IconUpDater to read in the DNICON1.CFG. And in b), the batch file is directly tell IconUpDater exactly what config file to read in... this means you can name the batch file anything you want... but for simplicity... name them the way I have. DNICONx.CFG, where x is the config file #. Also realize that as a Non-Wildcat Mutli-node system you will also need multiple Batch files to run IconUpDater. Each batch file should just tell IconUpDater what config file it should read in according to the caller NODE#. The most inportant part to this is having each config file setup to look for the DOORSYS in the proper directory. When you run the ICSETUP program.... just enter the proper path to the DOOR.SYS file ( for each DNICON#.CFG) without a trailing back slash. If you have any questions or can't get it to work just give me a call voice at 513-860-9669, and we'll get it run in a jiffy. I have added a QModem Pro Terminal Detection, so that QMPro users can abort the Scan if they wish. Remember that for right now QMPro does not comprehend all the RIP script language, and therefore the Auto Scan feature in IconUpDater does not work very well... specifically: QMPro for DOS: The Auto Scan feature finds the icons, but does not not put them in the icons in the QMPRO\ICONS directory. These QMPro users should then do an Auto Scan, then select "U" for Send Updated Icons ZIP file. IconUpDater will then ZIP up the icons not found and send this ZIP file to the QMPro user, who should then Drop to DOS and unZIP it in their icons directory. QMPro for Windows: The Auto Scan feature can't not scan for icons, nor can it sned the user icons 1 at a time and put them in the user's icon directory. QMPro for Windows does not comprehend the RIP code to do this. Therefore QMPro for Windows users should [A]bort the Auto Scan feature. For these 2 reason is why I added the QModemPro RIP terminal dectection. IF you are FORCING your users in to the Auto Scan feature... no worries... IconUpDater will still prompt the QMPro user and allow him to abort with out being stuck in a loop. Now this QModemPro RIP terminal dectection is an option, like most things in IconUpDater. Run ICSETUP and go to "Additional" and it is the last option under "Additional". Set it to "Y"es to turn this feature on (recommended). And when Mustang fixes the QMpro problems then you can just set this feature to "N" and turn it off. --------------------- Other DUOnline NEWS.... DUOnline as joined teams with another program here in Cincinnati, and we have formed RAMSoftware. RAMSoftware's first product should be out by the beginning of March. It is our first game and it is totally RIPped!!! "The World of BOB" The World of BOB is an icon driven role playing adventure game that is unlike any other. The World of BOB has 6 Worlds, each containing 128 icons. Each world can contain upto 15 SubWorlds. And each Subworld is a 5x5 area (25 sectors). The main object - to find seven pieces of BOB's magical staf which have been scattered through out the Worlds. With the help of a powerful wizzard (if you locate him) will be able to mend the staf and take advantage of its powers. With the powers of the staf you set out to find and conquer BOB. You will also have to fight villians and other players on your quest. The World of BOB will be a mutli-line compatiable game, where if two or more players are playing on line at the sametime and they go one on one, they will be able to send a messge to each. BOB also has a full E-mail system and Icon Scan/Updater built in to it. More information will be available online at Digital Universe Online as the game comes to completion.... so stay tuned! ------- Take note: DUOnline has a new location: 60 Providence Dr. Apt #5 Cincinnati, Ohio 45014 New Numbers are: BBS: 513-860-1191 Voice: 513-860-9669